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Shop Official Merch

Dragon Strand T-Shirt

Description: Dragon Strand logo

Tags: reptiles
Coccidia Wanted poster T-Shirt

Description: Beware of coccidia!

Tags: coccidia, parasite
Chameleon Academy popping colors T-Shirt

Description: The Chameleon Academy logo

Tags: reptile
FogFather T-Shirt

Description: Show that you are a follower of the enigmatic FogFather. Thank you to ElizaAnn and Mikey Ben for permission to offer this design to the Chameleon Academy community!

Tags: chameleon, chameleon lover, chameleon academy
DIY Chameleon Guys T-Shirt

Description: The perfect merch to watch the DIY Chameleon Guys show on Youtube. New episodes every Wednesday at 5AM Pacific!

Tags: diy
Calummanati T-Shirt

Description: Let people know the Calummanati does not exist and you are definitely not part of it!

Tags: reptile

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